Managed Carbon
A New Tool to Help Mitigate Climate Change
Managed Carbon is proud to introduce the first credit mechanism designed to quantify and monetize the valuable climate change mitigating process of reducing heat.
The Problem
We are not doing enough … and we are not doing it fast enough.
Time For A New Tool
The world has been focused on reducing or eliminating CO2, but that is only half the story. The other half is the daily solar irradiance heating the earth.
What would happen if you were able to reflect and reject that heat before it could be trapped by CO2? You’d essentially starve CO2 of the infrared heat it traps. The result is a lower temperature. Making surfaces more reflective has long been known to provide heat relief.
And, what if you were able to quantify the amount of heat reflected/rejected? Science does this every day by measuring the albedo of a surface.
And what if you were able to correlate the heat reflected/reject to the radiative forcing capacity of CO2? This allows us to link heat to tons of CO2 emitted.
This is where our new tool can make a significant contribution. This allows Managed Carbon to create a CO2e offset based on heat mitigation that can be bought, sold, or traded just like traditional offsets.
And that’s not even the best part. The best part is heat mitigation has significant co-benefits including cooling the structure, the inhabitants of the structure, the neighborhood and community. It reduces cooling bills, increases comfort, and can be targeted to apply to underserved neighborhoods.
Managed Carbon provides a mathematical and scientifically defensible alternative to traditional offsets with exceptional co-benefits.
To learn more contact us today.
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